China’s Most Expensive Home Costs $154 Million

If You’re Paying that Much for a House, You Better Believe it Comes with a Mist-covered Pond

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This house is being reported as the most expensive home for sale in mainland China, with an asking price of 1 billion Chinese yuan or $154,354,336. And what does $154 million and change get you in China? Well, for starters there are the 32 bedrooms and 32 bathrooms. Then there’s the fact that it is located on a private island on Suzhou’s Dushu Lake, China’s biggest lake. And then there’s the landscaping, which includes a pond that may or may not be constantly covered in a layer of fairy tale-esque mist (but which is certainly covered in fairy tale-esque mist for the listing photos.) And then of course you’ve got the lakeside swimming pool, huge wine cellar, et cetera, et cetera. The house, called Taohuayuan, which translates to “Utopia” or “Peace Blossom Land,” is new construction and took three years to build. So, that’s what $154 million gets you in China, if you were ever curious.

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