10 Ways Home-buyers Can Improve Credit Scores

http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/easy-steps-to-buy-a-house-a-simplified-guide-2-fix-your-credit-itzel-machado/1113574421?ean=9781484858431Buyers will find it easier to get a home loan using these tips

Key Takeaways

Real estate is a booming business in the world. To get loans quickly, potential home-buyers need to keep an eye on their finances and credit.

Below, you will find 10 general tips that will help ease the process of acquiring a home loan by improving credit scores.

1. Always pay on time

No lender likes to lend money to an individual who has a repeated record of missing his payments. This indicates a lack of discipline and poor financial management, and it leads to a bad impression on paper.

Whether it was intentional or due to genuine reasons is immaterial. If you have a frequent history of missing your equated monthly installment (EMI), you will end up with a lower FICO score.

2. Keep your credit owed within limits

A good ratio is not having your unsecured credit outstanding above 50 percent of your annual salary. Keep your credit card balances within half of the allowed limit. If you have $10,000 as your limit, then it is wise to restrict your statement amount to $5,000.

Keep your credit card balances within half of the allowed limit.
3. Always pay your dues on time, in full

This is one of the most important tips to improve credit score: On-time payments improve your credit score tremendously. It carries almost a 40 percent weight on your score. So try not to miss your due dates for EMIs and monthly payments.

Nobody likes a person who cannot keep up his or her word, especially with banks. So pay in full and on time. Why should you suffer unnecessary late payment charges and interest?

On-time payments improve your credit score tremendously; it carries almost 40% on your score.

4. Use two credit cards if you are a definite credit card spender

This is good and bad advice at the same time. FICO does not consider spending money on two credit cards as one. But if you have two credit cards, you can keep your usage percentage in control.

For example, if you have a credit card with a limit of $20,000, and you charge $15,000 on it, you’ve used 75 percent of your credit limit.

Now if you split your amount into two, and spend $7,500 each, then the percentage of usage will be around 37 percent. So it helps you in the eyes of FICO.  Now, don’t go on a credit card shopping spree.

NOTE: If you are serious this time about buying, get yourself educated about the home buying process, learn before you get started, this way you will know what to expect. Get the manual of the real estate process: “Easy Steps to Buy a House” CLICK HERE TO BUY IT NOW.

5. Maintain a good mix of good and bad loans — AKA, a healthy credit mix

Home loans and business loans are considered good loans. Personal loans and credit are considered bad loans.

That is why investing in a home loan if you are a spendthrift is a better decision. You will have a good credit mix and be building an asset.

6. Pay high-interest loans and small loans first

It is a prudent decision to pay your home loans over longer periods. Pay off your personal loans, credit cards and private loans first, as they tend to have a higher interest (typically 15 percent to 36 percent) with no asset creation.

Home loans, on the other hand, are just 9 percent to 11 percent, but they build an asset. This is one of the underutilized logical tips to improve credit score.

7. Close your unwanted savings accounts

Many people tend to abandon their savings accounts without closing them. If you have less than your Minimum Average Balance (MAB), it will start to affect your credit score. Also, when you finish a loan, it’s imperative to get the loan closure certificate.

 When you finish a loan, it’s imperative to get the loan closure certificate.
8. Check your credit reports regularly

Credit reports can be availed for a minimal cost. You can obtain them from the official FICO site. Just pay online and check your credit score at least once in a year, so that you can seek clarification on any mistake and have it sorted. There have been cases when banks report you to FICO by mistake.

9. Monitor your co-signed joint accounts properly

In instances of co-signing a loan or maintaining a joint credit account, be careful when dealing with someone outside your close family. You need to monitor the statements closely to make sure everything is in order.

There is no use complaining if you chose the wrong joint holder who was careless.

10. Negotiate if you cannot pay on time

This is also one of best tips to improve credit score. People often know that they would not be able to pay their bills in advance. Regardless, they do not take any action.

If you know you will not be able to pay on time, negotiate with your bank. Banks will be willing to extend your loan period and reduce the EMI if they see a genuine customer.

It might hurt, but you will make a good impression, and the bank will see you are honest.

So these are some of the tips to keep your credit score in check and get a home loan easily.


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